- 論文の詳細を見る
Cariogenic streptococci capable of producing an extracellular polyasaccharide of the dextran type have been found in human dental plaque. Dextranase from culture filtrate of Aspergillus species have been found to be an effective dental plaque and caries control agent in hamsters infected with a cariogenic streptococcus and fed on a high sucrose diet. The present report described the results of some examination to determine whether a dextranase preparation obtained from a strain of Spicaria species was effective in removing or preventing formation of dental plaque in human. As it was found that local administration of the dextranase tablet (AD-17) at upper premolar mucobuccal fold maintained lastingly dextranase activity, clinical examination was carried by repeating for 3 days of giving 13 tablets of AD-17 a day, each tablet at every consecutive hour. For first 3 days 4 male adults who received a dental prophyraxis and then ceased all oral hygiene practices were devided into two groups of the dextranase active group and inactive group, and for next 3 days each group was switched. In the subjects of the dextranase active group, the dry weight of dental plaque that was formed during 3 days interval on surfaces of freshly cleaned teeth reduced. The reduction was proved to be statistically signiffcant. Chemical analyses of the obtained dental plaque materials of the subjects in both groups showed following results: There were no differences in the concentraion of hexose that might be construed as an effect of dextranase, but were increases in the concentration of reducing sugars in the subjects of the dextranase active group. This fact suggested that hexose polymers of the plaque materials in the dextranase active group have contained smaller chains than those in the dextranase inactive group. No other statistically significant effects of the dextranase were observed except decreases in inorganic phosphorus and calcium concentration of the plaque materials in the dextranase active group.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
村山 洋二
村山 洋二
内田 武志
横溝 一郎
横溝 一郎
林 博雄
土本 正明
内田 武志
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