他者関係を能動的に生きるということ : 児童養護施設で暮らす或る子どもの意識の相互主観性理論に基づく解明(第1部 自由論文)
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Considering the records of the relationship between the author and a child in a children's institution, this paper tries to clarify the transitions of the child's relationships with others, based on Husserl's theory of intersubjectivity. Since the child received little care from his parents, he appeared to find it difficult to adequately experience the transition from "symbiosis" with his mother to "individuation" during his early infancy. Therefore, by actively experiencing relationships with others, for example, venting anger on others, he attempts to create an "emotional linkage" and personal bond between himself and others that occur naturally in our consciousness. Thus, it is elucidated that, by virtue of these attempts, he is able to develop relationships with others in various and more sensitive ways.
- 日本保育学会の論文
- 2006-12-25
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