社会科におけるテスト問題構成の方法 : 社会科学力評価
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The purpose of this study is to clarify principles of test constitution to evaluate scholastic ability of social studies through analyzing the test question of social studies. I think that scholastic ability to cultivate in social studies education consists of four basic elements, thatis, social cognition ability, social judgement ability, critical thinking ability, and problem constitution ability. Social cognition ability is the ability that can understand and explain causation and essence of the social phenomenon. Social judgement ability is the ability that can choose a solution of social issues based on a positive ground reasonably. Critical thinking ability is the ability to analyze information and draw inference, so to evaluate the outcomes of thought processes and develop arguments. Problem constitution ability is the ability to constitute the problem that students should pursue based on various facts. I led four points as principles of test constitution to cultivate scholastic ability of social studies. That is to say, it is especially important: 1. to define contents of the social cognition that wants to let students learn by the structure of knowledge. 2. to constitute the answer process of test question as reasoning process, or argument process. 3. to choose and constitute appropriate document to be able to lead interpretation based on facts. 4. to utilize 'why', 'if, then', 'if, should' as the form of question to promote the reasoning and decision making of student.
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