サゴヤシを保有することの意味 : セラム島高地のサゴ食民のモノグラフ
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The purpose of this paper is to consider the social meaning of "ownership" of sago palm (Metroxylon spp.) in Seram, eastern Indonesia.In the highland community under study, local people depend heavily on sago starch as a staple food.Every sago clump belongs to a certain holder of sago palm (ipia kua). Although the number of sago palm clumps held by each household varies, there is no significant difference in the frequency of sago intake among households. This is because people who have harvestable, mature sago palms transfer the right to utilize sago palm to people who do not.Sago palm is not regarded as a resource that can be utilized exclusively by an "owner." Ipia kua are expected to give usufruct rights in sago palm to the needy without compensation. At the same time, ipia kua maintain the sago groves in good condition in order to secure effective utilization by the community.Taking this point into consideration, ipia kua should be regarded as "custodians" or "managers" of sago palm rather than right holders with total ownership to sago palm.
- 京都大学の論文
- 2006-09-30
笹岡 正俊
Center For International Forestry Research(cifor)
笹岡 正俊
笹岡 正俊
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- サゴヤシを保有することの意味 : セラム島高地のサゴ食民のモノグラフ
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- 内田道雄著, 『消える森の謎を追う インドネシアの消えゆく森を訪ねて』, 創栄出版, 2005年5月, 207頁, 1,680円, ISBN:4-434-06207-7