- 論文の詳細を見る
The main purpose of this article is to show the diversity of the genealogical records kept by lineages and clans in South China in their social functions, and to understand the background of this diversity, through comparison of various types of genealogies collected in my fieldwork and in library research in China and Japan. First, I classify the collected genealogies according to the styles of description. Then I select two contrastive genealogical records and make a comparison in detail. One is a genealogy of the Yangtang Yang family from Danzhou County, Hainan, which contains only a genealogical tree written on a sheet of large white cloth. Another is a clan genealogy which is compiled and printed recently by the Li clan association of Hong Kong and Guangdong. They are contrastive in that the former makes every effort to secure the continuity of genealogical line through arrangements such as adoption and the substitution of member's genealogical positions. On the other hand, the latter includes many different genealogical lines even at the expense of genealogical accuracy. These two types of genealogical records roughly correspond to the lineage genealogies maintained in a specific local community, as well as the clan genealogy shared by a wider range of people. At the same time, however, I show that with respect to the recent compilation boom in genealogy, these two levels of compilation activity often relate to, and complement each other. It seems that the recent prosperous condition of the local economy and the increased flow of people and information between the South China homeland and Hong Kong or overseas communities lead to more diversity in the style and contents of the genealogical records of lineages and clans.論文Article
- 2006-03-30
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