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In this article, I attempt to analyze the recent trend toward the reorganization or the redefinition of traditional culture among the minority groups in South China under the influence of ethnic tourism. After the Chinese government started the Open-door Policy in the late 1970's, some of the 55 Chinese minority people, especially those in South China, have been involved in the ethnic tourism in which their "traditional culture" such as dances, rituals, and architectures are displayed as major attractions. In most cases, this kind of tourism was planed and promoted by local governments as a part of developing strategy of backward peripheral areas. In some regions such as the southern part of Hainan Island with Li and Miao inhabitants and the southeastern part of Guizhou with Miao and Dong, many minority villages were opened to the tour groups from other parts of China as well as from abroad, and many facilities such as hotels and restaurants were built in order to meet the demand of these tourists. It is said that the flourish of ethnic tourism has greatly benefited the local economy, and at the same time it has enhanced the self-consciousness of minority people. They say that, through the positive manifestation of their "traditional ethnic culture" in front of the tourists from outside, minorities are more and more aware of the unity of their own ethnic group and the originality of their culture. But, my own survey in Hainan Island as well as the recent reports from other parts of South China minority areas strongly suggest that the ethnic tourism influenced their culture and society in a very complex way, in which some parts of their "traditional culture" are redefined as a core factor of their ethnic identity, but at the same time, other parts of their cultural tradition are rapidly disappearing in the overall "modernizing" process. As the most remarkable aspects of recent ethnic tourism in South China, I can suggest following points:(1) only limited aspects of "traditional culture" are selected as tour resources;(2) those items which represent the whole ethnic group defined by the government tend to be emphasized, but traditions of more local level units are sometimes neglected or left behind;(3) ethnic tourism, even when its business is highly successful, merits only a part of ethnic population, and it seems to have a bipolarizing effect which make one section of population more zealous for keeping their own ethnic culture and others more indifferent;(4) ethnic tourism under the Open-door Policy often brought a flood of Han Chinese tourists, entrepreneurs, or workers, as well as their massive cultural influence, into the minority areas in South China.論文Article
- 1999-03-31
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