中国南部における宗族発達のサイクルと地域性 : 予備的考察
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The aim of this article is to investigate how far the pattern of lineage development in southeastern China has been influenced by the macroregional economic cycle formulated by G. W. Skinner. Following the first section in which I showed the purpose and the general framework of this study, I made a brief review on the anthropological and historical studies of Chinese lineage in section 2. In section 3, I examined the several cases of lineage formation during the Qing period in the New Territories of Hong Kong mainly based on my field data. Section 4 is a consideration of the factors which encouraged or discouraged the formation of corporate lineages. In section 5, I checked the historical pattern of lineage development in Fujian during the Ming and the Qing based on the data taken from Zheng Zhenman's book. Through these investigations, I found that lineage formation took place both in the upturn periods and the downfall periods of economic cycle in Lingnan as well as in Southeast coast macroregion. Therefore, at first glance, it might seem that the lineage formation had no special relation to the economic cycle of macroregion. But I also found that the lineages formed during the upturn were different from those formed during the downfall in their organizational type; network-type lineages which were motivated to build broader unions of agnatic groups typically appeared in upturn periods, and settlement-based type lineages which were oriented to make a strong corporate unit within a more confined range both locally and genealogically were formed mainly in downfall periods. This suggests that the developmental cycle of macroregion is still valid as a framework for explaining the temporal, and to some extent regional, pattern of lineage development in China.論文Article
- 2000-03-31
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