客家アイデンティティー形成過程の研究 : 中華民国初期の著名政治家・軍人の出自をめぐる議論を中心に
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This article aims to examine how the discourse on the origin of prominent political and martial figures in early Republican period contributed the creation of typical image of Hakka Chinese as a group. Today's popular image of Hakka as a distinct sub-ethnic group of Han Chinese with its excellent political and martial talents and it's peculiar tradition such as round-shape dwellings is clearly a construction in modern times, Hakka intellectuals such as Luo Xianglin once insisted that many of prominent figures in political and martial scene of early modern China were of Hakka origin. Such a view was followed by later Hakka authors and it contributed a lot to the formation of an image, at least self image, of Hakka as a prominent group. Research on the life history of several so-called Hakka prominent figures reveals that there is much ambiguity in their roots as well as in their own identity. But still, propagators of Hakka prominence includes as many famous persons in modern China as they can into their imaginary Hakka stock. They often try to replace both ethnic identity and cultural attribute of a person with a mere matter of genealogy or a matter of the place of origin. If they found the slightest hints of relation to Hakka genealogy or Hakka inhabiting area in the background of a famous figure, they concluded that the person ought to have been Hakka. Relation through the patrilineal descent or through the common place of origin is thought to be one of the most functional social bond in traditional Chinese society. Although creation of Hakka ethnic identity seems to begin under the strong influence of modern Chinese nationalism as well as a modern western concept of race in early twentieth century, we can see that in the process of imaging Hakka as a social and historical unit, Chinese authors have repeatedly resorted to this traditional mode of social tie.論文Article
- 2005-03-28
- 客家アイデンティティー形成過程の研究 : 中華民国初期の著名政治家・軍人の出自をめぐる議論を中心に
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