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This article aims at understanding the process of creation, maintenance, and change of sub-ethnic identity among the inhabitants of Haifeng County, Gunangdong province, China, by examining the present distribution of local cultures in this area and by analyzing the migration route, internal organization, and mutual relations of local lineages which represents each subculture. Haifeng County is situated halfway between Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Region, and Swatow which is the major city in eastern Guangdong. At least four dialects of Han-Chinese are spoken in this county. Majority of the Haifeng's inhabitants, including those who are living in the county seat and other major market towns in the central and western part of the county speak Hoklo dialect which is classified by Chinese linguists as a sub-dialect of Min-nan dialect. Second dialect in this county is a local version of Hakka dialect, of which speakers are mainly living in the northern part of the county. Another dialect which called jian-mi-hua or "pointed rice dialect" are spoken mainly in the western part of the county. According to the analysis made by linguists, this dialect has much in common with Cantonese dialect but also has been influenced by Hakka and Hoklo dialect. There is also a bai-hua or Cantonese, of which speakers are mostly the boat people living ashore. In November 2000, I carried out a short-term field survey in three communities in the county each of which was represented by the speakers of Hoklo, Hakka, and jian-mi-hua dialect. Hoklo, Hakka, and Cantonese are commonly known as three major dialects in South China and therefore speakers of these three dialects are usually believed to have very different origins from each other. But I found that three lineages in Haifeng among which one is Hoklo, another is Hakka, and the third is jian-mi-hua speakers are similar in their origin as well as in their migration route. Based on these case studies, I propose to distinguish two alternative way of self-identification in the consolidating process of each lineage: one is to emphasize the place of origin of their ancestors and to claim the difference from the natives of the area; another is to emphasize to be the native members of the local society. Their present sub-ethnic identity seems to be a result of strategical decisions made by themselves in their lineage history, and therefore it is more likely to be flexible depending on their situation, not determined by their genealogy nor by their cultural origin.論文Article
- 2002-03-31
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