"移行(transition)"の概念分析 : 高齢者の退院という現象に焦点を当てて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of the present review was to conceptualize the transition of elderly individuals from the hospital to the home through a review of "transition" literature. This review was conducted according to Walker and Avant's approach. This method of concept analysis extracts definitions, properties, antecedents, and consequences from available literature. Based on the results of this literature review, a proposed definition of transition is "a passage from one life phase, condition, or status to another, which includes change, transition time span, awareness, engagement, and critical events". In the present investigation, attributes of the concept of transition were applied to the phenomenon of elderly individuals being discharged from the hospital. It was revealed that the transition of elderly individuals being discharged from the hospital included "a process", "changes" such as in location, identity, roles, and behavioral patterns, "the comprehension and engagement processes of elderly individuals" and "influential factors". However, further empirical research is necessary to clarify the true nature of the "transition" of elderly individuals from the hospital to the home.
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