オブジェクト表象に関わる脳活動は遮蔽時間に伴って変化するか(第23回大会 優秀発表賞抄録)
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In a previous study we have shown, by using functional MRI during a multiple object permanence tracking (MOPT) task, that the representation of dynamic objects needs the cooperation of widespread neural systems (Imaruoka, Saiki, Miyauchi; 2005). In the present study we modified the MOPT task, and measured the brain activity during the task with fMRI, so that we could explore the precise correspondence of a number of cognitive processes and neural systems related to the representation of dynamic objects. The cognitive processes included object tracking, the maintenance of visual information, the integration of visual spatial information, and other information about an object. The neural systems included the anterior, superior, and inferior frontal areas, and the parietal area. The results suggested a close relationship between: (a) the right superior frontal gyrus and the maintenance of a coherency of the dynamic objects; and (b) the parietal regions and the tracking of the visual objects.
- 2005-09-30
伊丸岡 俊秀
College of Informatics and Human Communication, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Japan. Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto
Brain Information Group, Kansai Advanced Research Center, National Institute of Communications and T
伊丸岡 俊秀
Saiki Jun
Presto Japan Science And Technology Agency Kawaguchi Japan. Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Uni
Saiki Jun
Presto Japan Science And Technology Agency
Miyauchi Satoru
Brain Information Group Kansai Advanced Research Center National Institute Of Communications And Tec
伊丸岡 俊秀
College Of Informatics And Human Communication Kanazawa Institute Of Technology
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