紀伊半島潮ノ岬周辺海域における貝類相の研究 I : 串本西岸沖合のマツヤマワスレガイとコマツヤマワスレガイの分布
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This paper deals with the distributions of two venerid bivalves, Callista chinensis and C. pilsbryi, determined from 83 dredgings between the depths of 5-65 m to the west of Kushimoto, at the tip of the Kii Peninsula on the central part of the Pacific coast of Japanese main island, Honshu, during 1979. A morphological comparison between both species is made, and, in addition, geographical differences in shell morphology between C. pilsbryi and C. amamiensis at various localities in Japan are examined. Callista chinensis was found in fine sand at depths of 5-45 m with its distribution centered around 15-30 m, while C. pilsbryi was collected from coarse sand at depths of 20-45 m and its distribution centered around 25-40 m. The boundary between the bathymetrical distribution of these two species is determined by topography and sediment type rather than by depth alone. Comparison of the pallial line between C. chinensis and C. pilsbryi demonstrated that the latter has a wide-angled pallial sinus. The relationship between the shell-height/shell-length ratio and the shell-width/shell-length ratio shows that C. pilsbryi has a more rotundate and inflated profile than that of C. chinensis. Callista amamiensis is higher in height and more convex in breadth than C. pilsbryi.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 1983-12-31
土田 英治
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
土田 英治
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
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- 36. 東京湾口で採集された鯨骨に群がる深海二枚貝(日本貝類学会平成 9 年度大会(神戸)研究発表要旨)
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- 9. 淡青丸で得た南西日本海域の深海性貝類(平成 5 年度大会(千葉)研究発表要旨)
- 20. 山口県見島沖周辺海域の貝類(平成 3 年度総会(鳥羽市)研究発表要旨)
- 26. 日本産のワタゾコシロアミガサガイ科貝類は 2 種(平成 2 年度日本貝類学会総会研究発表)
- 紀伊半島潮ノ岬周辺海域における貝類相の研究 III : オヨギシタダミの所属について
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- 紀伊半島潮ノ岬周辺海域における貝類相の研究 I : 串本西岸沖合のマツヤマワスレガイとコマツヤマワスレガイの分布
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- No.26 : 紀伊水道沖合海域のカワタイラギの深度分布について(I. 記念式典及び総会, 日本貝類学会創立 50 周年記念大会)
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