看護の国際協力における活動分析と課題に関する研究 : バングラデシュ看護隊員の報告書より
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This is to better understand the activities and issues concerning international cooperation in nursing, by classifying and analyzing the reports received from abroad made by the members of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, in consideration of increasing the international cooperation of nursing activities. The issues are, basicaly, divided into two classes: the first.being is caused by a host country (or institution); the secondly volunteers themselves. As for the issues concerning a host country (or institution), had 45.6% of the issues were involved in their daily nursing activities, and the rest ,may have had a great deal to do with their political system, administrative structure, and general educational system. As in the case of Volunteers, 43.1% was concerned with their natural aptitude for holding a standard set of values in common and being able to establish good human relations ,and 25.5% for expertise and skill; while the rest accountins for the issues on their planning .management ability, and so forth. As for the origin of such issues, it is understood that: 1. Intercultural understanding caused by a harmful influence of ethnocentrism It is well understood that the concept of nursing care or the methods used for the nursing business (activity) may well differ from one country to another, or from one region to region. For promoting international cooperation in nursing care, it is necessary to understand the socio-cultural aspects of the host country, and above all, to get rid of one's own prejudice towards different culture. 2. Human nature of the volunteers As for being human beings with flexibility and cooperativeness, such good manners as to tolerate the other party's values, having the same points of view in common, and establishing good human relations, should be part of their natural aptitude.
- 群馬パース大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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