Comparison of Wholesale Vegetables Prices in Australia and Japan
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Movements in wholesale prices are compared in order to examine the effect of differences in the production, marketing and consumption in the Japanese and Australian vegetable industries. The differences include expanding production in Australia but static output in Japan, Japan's extensive use of protected production, Japan's designated vegetable system which gives its producers guaranteed prices, increasing vegetable consumption in Australia but declining consumption in Japan, and the use of private treaty negotiated marketing in Australia compared with Japan's use of auctions. The movement of weekly wholesale prices of 14 vegetables at Brisbane (Queensland, Australia) and Ohta (Tokyo) in the period May 1989 to April 1990 are compared using (a) movements about their average prices, (b) the number of times price movements change direction, and (c) the extent of between-week movements. The survey of price movements showed that for the 14 vegetables surveyed and on the three criteria developed in the paper Ohta prices moved more frequently and with a greater degree of volatility than those at Brisbane. This suggests that Japan's extensive use of protected production has not resulted in a greater degree of price stability than Australisa's open-field production system. Further, without the benefit of a guaranteed price Brisbane has less volatile prices than Japan with its designated vegetable system. Indeed, the very guarantee of stability incorporated with the Japanese system may induce higher degrees of instability. Finally, the imbalance between the number of highest and lowest prices which result from comparing prices stemming from the two systems of price discovery suggests that Ohta's auction system may not be operating as efficiently as Brisbane's system of negotiated prices.
- 1991-03-01
小林 康平
小林 康平
小林 康平
小林 康平
Kobayashi Kohei
Horticultural Economics
Kobayashi Kohei
Kyusyu University
Vinning Grant
Visiting Research Fellow Laboratory Of Horticultural Economics
小林 康平
小林 康平
Horticultural Economics
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