- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is (1) to grasp the labour exodus in Hokkaido by statistical figures during the rapid economic growth started around 1960 and continued to about 1975, (2) to classify the counties of Hokkaido based on socio-economic factors by applying Principal Component Analysis, and (3) to analyse the factors affecting the exodus of farm labours in the period. The results are as follows; (1) The annual average rate of exodus of farm labour was 5.4 percents during the rapid economic growth of 1960 to 1975, while 3.7 percents of the number of farms decreased yearly in the period. These figures mean that the structure of industries in Hokkaido had changed drastically in both agriculture and the other sectors. (2) The regional diversification of socio-economic phase had progressed among counties during the period; i. e. Ishikari county was centerized with cultural and economic activities, Kimofuri county dominated further with the manufactural industries and Shiribeshi, Kimofuri and Nemuro counties had developed agricultural productivies of both land and capital, though Nemuro is still in law ranking due to less development of socio-economic infrastructure. (3) Several factors are selected from 54 socio-economic elements and are identified as to influence the exodus of farm labours. They are; (i) percentage of entrance of junior high school graduates into senior high school and/or upper educational institutes, (ii) proportion of family income depending on farm business resources in individual farm, (iii) the number of inhabitants per grocery store in the area, (iv) land productivity per 10 ares of cultivated land, (v) labour products per 10 working hours, (vi) percentage of upland cropping farms in all types of farms and (vii) the numbers of automobile per farmer.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1984-03-30
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