ゲーム論的貿易政策理論 : 展望
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In this paper we survey the literature that addresses the international trade policy issues using a "game theoretic framework", which has become popular among trade theorists in the last two decades. We divide the literature into six areas : Trade liberalization ; Tariff retaliations ; Quota retaliations ; Mixtures of tariffs, quotas, and other instruments ; Trade negotiations, and Preferential trade agreements (free trade areas and customs unions). The first three areas are concerned with the "non-cooperative" aspects of the issues, while the latter three are concerned with, to some extent, the "cooperative" aspects. In the older literature the cooperative and the noncooperative approaches are clearly separated. When the noncooperative aspects are addressed, they adopt the "Nash equilibrium" as the solution concept, though, when dealing with the cooperative aspects, purely cooperative concepts such as "core" and the "Nash bargaining solution" are adopted. We critically point out that, since the Nash equilibrium concept is based upon secret-decision-making by the players, it is not appropriate for modeling the conflicts among countries whose decisions can not, in principle, be complete secrets (rather they are made openly). Further, although the purely cooperative solution concepts assume a priori the possibility of binding agreements among countries, countries can not make them binding, since there is no legal institution (organization) that can punish deviating countries effectively. The purely cooperative solutions are not an appropriate concept, either. In the more recent 1lterature, with the aid of the notion of "selfenforceability" or that of some newly developed game forms (e.g., the theory of social situations), the above dichotomous approaches seem to be converging-the notions of "cooperation" and "noncooperation" are now being integrated into some unified behavioral principle, which will enable us to deal with trade policy issues in a suitable framework.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1998-03-10
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