- 論文の詳細を見る
High-functioning children with autism often behave strangely. We examined behaviors in one high-functioning boy with autism from a developmental perspective. We analyzed his unusual behaviors taken from his mother's records, nursery nurse's records and VTR records between 0 : 06 and 5 : 10 of age. These records contained his various activities in his daily life. We found that this observed period was divided into three stages on the basis of the regulative function of his behaviors which may have similar characteristics. These stages were made up of first, the non-regulation, second, the regulation-by-others and third, the self-regulation. From the analysis of his unusual movements with the frame of these stages, his movements showed us qualitative changes linked with the developmental changes of regulative function. In the first stage (0 : 06-3 : 03 yrs), his unusual movements were not found. In the second stage (3 : 04-3 : 09 yrs), his movements were characterized by tracing the turn-takings with other' people. In the final stage (3 : 10-5 : 10 yrs), they were peculiar to his intrusion into physical world from representational world. It could be pointed out that these characteristics of his unusual movements might lead to universal features among those who are high-functioning children with autism.
- 琉球大学の論文
- 2004-05-31
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