- 論文の詳細を見る
In the area of academic education in social welfare, there is an ambiguous aspect of how the position of the application of social welfare research is defined in the field of application of social work. Social welfare research is one of the fields of social research, but the key feature of social welfare research is that it is oriented to problem-solving. In consideration of such a characteristic, it would appear that the significance of the application of social welfare research is to learn about community-building with a local community. In this report, we have selected the application of social welfare research as a case study, which we was in charge of as a joint project with Kawai Village, and have compiled the findings of the research for the sake of the development of food distribution services. We hope that this report will serve as an aid in evaluation analysis of the application of social welfare research.
- 岩手県立大学の論文
- 2003-09-30
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