- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, I studied the profession of the social workers and home helpers who were working in Iwate Prefecture's welfare institutions by reanalyzing the "Survey on Iwate Prefecture's Human Resources in Social Work." The occupations of certified social worker and certified care worker were created to enhance services for elderly people. Recently they have tended to become the dominant qualifications for those who work as a supervisor in a welfare institution and those who work as a home helper. But near half of the welfare institutions either does not have special pay treatment for their staff or fails to help them to acquire related occupational qualifications. Most runners of welfare institutions do not consider qualification to be very important when they are hiring new staff. Apparently what the runners emphasized is different from what the social workers believed. When asked to assess their profession, in general, qualification holders of certified social worker and certified care worker expressed very little content with their profession. Their assessment may implicate that they realized that they had to continually endeavor to obtain new skills when they are pursuing their career. Comparing the data with that of other prefecture's, I found that professional social workers of Iwate Prefecture expressed very low satisfaction with their work. In the meantime, workers by self-educated or OJT (on the job training) had lower satisfaction than their counterparts who came from professional education institutions or completed off the job training. For the above reason, it will be the main issue for the Iwate Prefecture's social administration to enhance the professional training of social workers, to facilitate working staff to obtain related qualifications, and to improve pay treatment for the qualification holders.
- 岩手県立大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
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