- 論文の詳細を見る
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of whispering-to-oneself reading on text memory and comprehension in children (6th grade). A2×2 factorial design was used in the experiment: the first independent variable was whispering-to-oneself or silent reading, the second was large- or small-working memory span which were measured by the reading span test (RST). Four aspects of the text memory and comprehension were observed as dependent variables: text memory both on the literal level and the phonological level, and text comprehension both on the surface level and deep level in semantic processing. The main results were as follows: (a) whispering-to-oneself reading had better performances both in the literal memory of text and in the surface semantic processing level of text information, and (b) individual differences of working memory span affected both on text memory on the phonological level and on text comprehension on the deep level. These findings were discussed in terms of semi-outer and semi-inner vocalization of words and phrases in the sentences, and distribution of processing resources in working memory.
- 広島大学の論文
- 2005-03-28
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