大学関係保育所の可能性を探る : 大学における学生および教職員への社会福祉サービスとしての保育サービス
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In order to create an enriching and dynamic society in the 21st century, it is vital to create gender-equal society. These days, social changes that is ; the need to advocate women's reproductive health/rights, increased demand for carrier-up themselves after child care or lifelong learning, the need for the diversified child care services as lifestyle have diversified, have been identified as the reasons for the need to create university child care centers. However, we have little university child centers in Japan, and that is why further enhancement of efforts is required. If there are university child care centers, many people, especially women can freely choose learning opportunities and learn at any time during their lives. This paper describes the Japanese social backgrounds why universities should start child care centers, and also describes some existing university child centers. Next, analysis the result of our research which six students of Okinawa International University who mange both parenting and studying at university. And finally, concludes with emphasizing the importance of university child care center.
- 沖縄国際大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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