- 論文の詳細を見る
Two new species of the gobiid fish genus Eviota, i.e., E. korechika and E. ocellifer, are described based on specimens from the West Pacific Ocean. E. korechika (19 type series and 9 non-type specimens, 12.3-24.4 mm SL, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, and Sulawesi, Indonesia) belongs to the subgroup bearing complete cephalic sensory-canal pore configuration for Eviota [i.e., pores B', C (unpaired), D (unpaired), E, F, H', N' and O']; it differs from the other 18 described species of this subgroup in having the following combination of characters: usually 9 and 8 dorsal- and anal-fin segmented rays, respectively; well-developed membranes between pelvic-fin segmented rays; edge of scale pockets densely pigmented, forming dusky reticulations on body; a narrow arc-shaped, diagonal pale band (subtranslucent in preserved specimen) at middle of first dorsal fin; 5-7 diagonal bright-blue to pale-blue bars (translucent and sometimes quite indistinct in preserved specimens) on second dorsal and anal fins in each; two ovoid dusky spots on dorsal and ventral parts of pectoral-fin base; no enlarged, distinct subcutaneous dusky spot on mid-lateral caudal peduncle; caudal fin without any conspicuous dusky markings. E. ocellifer (7 specimens, 16.4-18.4mm SL, Iriomote-jima Island, Yaeyama Islands of Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan) is similar to E. lacrimae and E. sparsa in lacking preopercular canal and associated pores of cephalic sensory systems, but differs from the latter two in having moderately developed fifth pelvic-fin ray (10.5-18.1% of preceding ray in length) and a conspicuous semi-ocellated spot at anteroventral part of first dorsal fin.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 2005-06-22
渋川 浩一
Department of Zoology, National Science Museum
鈴木 寿之
Amagasaki-kita Senior High School
渋川 浩一
渋川 浩一
Department Of Zoology National Science Museum
鈴木 寿之
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