- 論文の詳細を見る
From mid-November to early December, 1977, a questionaire research on human response and adjustment to the 1977 Eruption of Usu Volcano, Central-South Hokkaido was carried out for the areas within 20 km from the crater, which include both hit by serious damages and slight damages. The respondents, totalling 1763, were chosen chiefly among the parents of pupils of lower secondary schools. The analysis of : the answers was made by using settlement units in order to examine the spatial patterns of human response and adjustment. The main results are as follows : (1) Human response and adjustment to the volcanic hazards vary in relation to the experiences with past eruptions, occupation, sex, etc. of the respondents, as well as the location of settlements. (2) The distance from the crater, the amount of ash fall, and the extent of damages are the main factors controlling the spatial patterns of human perception and adjustment. (3) Clear spatial differences are found in the foreseeing of both eruption and ash fall, psychological response and emergency self-adjustments during eruptions, and the evaluation of emergency self-adjustments and the danger in living from future eruptions. (4) On the contrary, little choice has been found in the desirable precautionary measures demanded to the local and national governments, regardless of the location of settlements and the personal attributes. By the people living in the hazardous zone, timely warning based upon the accurate prediction of eruption is believed to be the only limited basic precautionary measures to cope with the volcanic hazards.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 1978-03-25
門村 浩
鈴木 利吉
山本 博
門村 浩
Laboratory of Fundamental Research, Division of Environmental Structure, Graduate School of Environm
高橋 英紀
Laboratory of Fundamental Research, Division of Environmental Structure, Graduate School of Environm
山本 博
Laboratory of Fundamental Research, Division of Environmental Structure, Graduate School of Environm
鈴木 利吉
Laboratory of Fundamental Research, Division of Environmental Structure, Graduate School of Environm
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