ハンネス・マイヤーの建築作品における雁行型構成の意義について : ドイツ労働組合総連合連合学校の造形方法の分析
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to consider the formal composition of German modern architecture. Especially in this paper, the meaning of staggered form of federal school of ADGB by Hannes Meyer is analyzed by three dimensional perspective data with CAD and Meyer's text about his design method. As the result, the staggered form represented not only formal principle of this building "lockerung" and "schule im walde", but also, Meyer's universal design method, namely 1) dissolution into small space by architectural program analysis, 2) connection with environment and architecture by site analysis.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2003-04-30
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