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Prior to a design of new zero emission type-nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction system based on a development of chemiluminescent chemical lamp, a wide variety of environmental researches concerning waste NOx were firstly performed including a comparison between several prevailing technologies and the new technology presently proposed. The searched results pointed out that NOx from automobile industries was more than 50 % at an occupational rate in total waste NOx in Japan and its countermeasure has not yet satisfactorily been carried out. Recently, NOx from neighbouring countries including China and Korea was accelerating the pollution in Japan year-by-year and affected to Japanese country-environments. Judging from thus obtained results, it was suggested that the authors had to carry out the NOx reduction focused on automobile industries for environmental protections against the pollution as soon as possible. Additionally, it was suggested from the results of their researches that currently prevailing reduction techniques against NOx mostly would not be acceptable for Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) because these techniques produced finally some other waste materials again. In order to promote the proposed zero emission type-technique based on the use of the heatless chemiluminescent chemical lamp, analysis of material and energy flows for NOx was essential. The authors made their flow maps based on their researched data obtained. By using their flow map data obtained, the authors also propose an original planing concerning the zero emission type-NOx reduction system through the use of chemiluminescent chemical lamp devised. Judging from the synthetic evaluation, the proposed NOx reduction system presently proposed was fitted for zero emission technique with some figure-of-merits such as a reuse of resources, protections of greenhouse effect and acid rain or a possibility to the utility of new lamp device and so on. It may be sure that a significant contribution to environmental protection such as an expansion of ZERI will be made by this work together with a progress in the further researches.
- 明治大学の論文
石井 幹太
石井 幹太
Department Of Industrial Chemistry Meiji University School Of Science And Technology
川北 美裕
Department of Industrial Chemistry School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
茅原 一之
Department of Industrial Chemistry School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
川北 美裕
Department Of Industrial Chemistry School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
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