授業「フィジカルアセスメント」の評価 : 授業の展開に焦点をあてて
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The purpose of this study was to clear some points of improvement to next a class by evaluation for this physical assessment class. The subjects were 89 students for second year nursing students. The scale for process of the class and self-assessment sheet which had used for physical assessment practice were used. The response rate to the scale was 83.1%. The findings were as follows; 1. The students evaluated as the class was normal. But they evaluated below average an item about 'time schedule and the degree of difficulty to the contents'. 2. The students had difficulty to learn skills of some systems, which systems are neurogic, musculoskeletal, thorax and lungs, abdomen, cardiovascular, and mouth and pharynx. Especially, they had most difficulty to learn about musculoskeltal system. 3. It was suggested that it was necessary to discuss to the best way to learn physical assessment skills, and focus the contents for physical assessment practice.
- 天使大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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