初めての子供を持った夫婦の出産後3ヵ月間の経験世界 : 親になるということ(1)
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This paper describes the lived experience of the four couples and two mothers who had their first baby. The research used a qualitative method in which in-depth interviews based on a phenomeno-logical approach. The first theme emerged was that their daily life began to revolve around the existence of their baby. They have responsed to thier baby. There were distinctions between father and mother. Mother sacrificed herself to live her own baby. Consequently she might have the conflict between living for the baby and for herself. On the other hand, father had inferiority complex toward breast feeding, and realized limited ability for the baby. Instead, father had to search for his ability for the baby on his own will. The second theme was how to understand their baby. It was started from having met the part of unknown baby, so they wanted to know baby's mind. Three patterns were identified; 'reading the baby's mind (Sassuru)', 'reading the context of the baby's on time and space that parents have coexisted with their baby', and 'putting themselves in the baby's place'. Parents were encouraged by themselves as founding out thier own baby's as a human being, growth and development, and possibility. It brought about a pleasure in discovery such things.
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