自分の居場所を獲得し安定していった一症例 : 喫茶店活動を通しての作業療法から
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The schizophrenic patient was a 37-year-old single female, who was irritated by symptoms including halluciantions and delusions. Emotionally she was in an unstable condition. Forthermore, she had some difficulty in getting alone with others. Therefore, we tried to treat her by occupational therapy by means of "coffee shop activity". At first, the author told her that she should wash the dishes in the back until she had acclimated herself to this coffee shop activity. She worked hard at washing the dishes, but she had no spiritual composure to help her co-workers working busily in the back. Her personal relations were passive and unsatisfactory. The author utilized the technique of "acceptance and support". Gradually she got more actively involved in the coffee shop activities and become more sociable. That is to say, she came to be engaged in more self-directed behavior and her relations with others finally improved.
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