小学校家庭科教育における指導法の分析 : 食物分野を中心として(第2報)
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In the previous report, we analyzed the teaching content in the field of food in elementary school home economics education based on home economics education textbooks used from 1961 to 2000 (40 years). In this sequel report, we examined practical teaching methods and future teaching subjects with regard to the field of food in elementary school home economics education. As materials, we used volumes ranging from Issue No. 6 (Feb. 1965) to Issue No. 4, Vol. 47 (Jan. 2005) of the Journal of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education and volumes ranging from Issue No. 2, Vol. 22 (Feb. 1948) to Issue No. 3, Vol. 79 (Mar. 2005) of Kateikakyoiku (Home Economics Education; a monthly magazine). The results are as follows. First, there were 73 papers dealing with the field of food of elementary school home economics education. In general, there were many studies mainly using questionnaires and relatively few studies based on historical review. Second, studies of teaching in the field of food of elementary school home economics education suggested that it will become increasingly necessary to compose subjects comprehensively from the viewpoint of people's daily lives in their homes. This is consistent with the objectives of the course of study that is currently in force. Furthermore, the following five points were considered as important viewpoints in implementing teaching: (1) emphasizing the independence of pupils; (2) pupils learning to solve their own problems; (3) implementation of comprehensive developmental learning; (4) relations among family and home; and (5) cooperation with other subjects, parents, and local residents. Third, the following five points were cited in discussions on future teaching subjects in the field of food of elementary school home economics education: (1) emphasis on independence to promote self-reliance of pupils; (2) pupils learning to solve their own problems; (3) comprehensive developmental learning; (4) teaching related to the family and home; and (5) teaching in cooperation with other subjects, parents, and local residents. These five points accorded with important viewpoints in implementing teaching.
- 2005-09-01
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