Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for the ^<10>B(e, e'n)^9B Reaction in the Giant Resonance Region(I. Nuclear Physics)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The cross sections and angular correlations for neutron emission to various states in the residual nucleus, following the ^<10>B(e, e'n) reaction, have been measured over the excitation energy range 18-33 MeV at the effective momentum transfer of 0.49 fm^<-1>. In the giant resonance, neutron emission leads predominant population of two higher excited states : (6.97 MeV 7/2^- (n_5), 11.70 MeV 7/2^-+ 12.06 MeV 3/2^- (n_<6, 7>)). This is the first observation for neutron population of these states. The angular distributions for each transition were fitted with Legendre polynomials. The angular distributions for n_0 indicate an interference of a transition with the opposite parity to E1. The angular distributions for n_5 and n_<6, 7> have a peak at about 50°; they are quite different patterns from that for n_0. It might reflect lower E1 amplitude comparing to other multipole ones. It was confirmed that neutron emission from the giant resonance in ^<10>B leaves the residual nucleus ^9B not at the ground state but mainly at 6.97 MeV 7/2^- and 11.70 MeV 7/2^-+ 12.06 MeV 3/2^- states as predicted by shell model calculations with intermediate coupling.
- 東北大学の論文
里嘉 典
木野 幸一
川村 知行
木野 幸一
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
木野 幸一
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University:research Center For Nuclear Physics Osaka University
鈴木 智和
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
斎藤 悌二郎
中川 武美
Department Of Physics Tohoku University:tohoku Institute Of Technology
鈴木 智和
上野 博昭
Department Of Physics Yamagata University
樋口 正人
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
松浦 洋一
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
齋藤 悌二郎
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
中川 哲郎
Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Tohoku University
川村 知行
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University
松浦 洋一
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
中川 哲郎
Laboratory Of Nuclear Science Tohoku University:toshiba Co.
樋口 正人
樋口 正人
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
木野 転一
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- Study of Giant Resonances of ^9Be with the (e, e'n) Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
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- Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for the ^B(e, e'n)^9B Reaction in the Giant Resonance Region(I. Nuclear Physics)
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