日本領時代の北千島における日本人社会について : 「北門の鎖鑰」の実像
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During the Japanese-Soviet negotiations in 1955-56, the Japanese government began to insist that Etorofu and Kunashiri weren't included in the Kuril Islands, which Japan abandoned under the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951. From that time, Japan has been demanding the return of the Northern Territories; Etorofu, Kunashiri, Shikotan and Habomai from the Soviet Union/Russia. Under the official opinion of the Japanese government, the Kuril(Chishima) Islands include from Shumshu to Urup only. Though Japan doesn't demand return those islands from Russia, they belonged to Japan from 1875 to 1945. In 1875, in exchange for the rights of the island of Sakhalin, Japan got the 18 Kuril Islands by the Treaty of St. Petersburg. This article is devoted to tracing the rise and fall of Japanese society on the northern Kuril Islands. During the 90 years of Japanese domination, the Japanese government forced the movement of indigenous people of the northern Kuril Islands to Shikotan. After that, there were two trials of Japanese settlement there, the development of the fishery, the Second World War and deportation of Japanese habitants by the Soviet Union. The historical facts of the northern Kuril Islands, which are deeply connected with the growth of Japan as the new modern state from the end of the 19th century to the end of World War II, give a new point of the view to the arguments of the problem of the Northern Territories.
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- 日本領時代の北千島における日本人社会について : 「北門の鎖鑰」の実像
- 浜由樹子『ユーラシア主義とは何か』成文社、2010 年、300 頁