ジュガーノフ・ロシア共産党党首の世界観 : 現代ロシアの反欧米思想に関する一考察
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The head of the Communist Party of Russia, Gennadi Zyuganov is one of the most influential politicians in recent Russia. As a former ideologist of the Communist Party of the USSR and a doctor of philosophy has published in recent years a number of books on his political ideas. This article is devoted to an analysis of Zyuganov's new world-outlook. It seems that Zyuganov renounced Marxism-Leninism and chose a patriotic ideology to save Russia from chaos. With deep anti-Western beliefs he insists on the restoration of Russians' ethnic consciousness based on Russian Orthodoxy and traditions.
- 岩手県立大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
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