コンピューターゲーム課題下でのFmθと瞬目活動との関係 : 興味度を変数として
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The present study was to designed to investigate a possible relationship between Fm θ and blinking by using a computer game task. In order to change subjective interest, two levels of difficulty (difficult condition and easy condition) were used in this task. Twenty-six college students were served as subjects in the present experiment, and then performed two levels of the task, two trials being given for 5 min.. The order of trials with different levels was counterbalanced among the subjects. Fm θ was appeared in 22 subjects out of them. That Fm θ appeared in the difficult condition more than in the easy condition. On the other hand, blink activity was suppressed in the difficult condition more than in the easy condition. Fm θ tended to increase as a function of trial in the difficult condition, showing the effect of training.
- 広島修道大学の論文
- 1998-03-30
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