秋田県の幼稚園創設期におけるキリスト教会の役割 -- 初期幼稚園にみる貴族性と養護性を中心に --
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There were two definite aspects in the role of Japanese kindergartens in their founding period. The first one is the aristocracy in kindergarten education which aimed to nurture young children of the upper class families. The other aspect reflected their role of social welfare and care. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the relationship between the two and to show how they came to fuse. In order to achieve this goal, the present study investigated the kindergarten activities conducted by Christian churches and convents in Akita Prefecture in the period from the Meiji era to the prewar Showa era. The Christian kindergartens and other ordinary kindergartens had already cooperated with each other in Akita Prefecture because the number of kindergartens was limited. Since Christian churches conducted management of kindergartens and welfare activities at the same time, they made use of those welfare activities and utilized the relevant network of the day nurseries in their teacher training. That was one of the main factors that played a role in the fusion of two aspects of education and care in their activities in kindergartens.
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