- 論文の詳細を見る
A benthic survey was carried out around Dogo Island, the Oki Islands, by dredging at 15 sites from 13 to 55m deep; the attached organisms on ropes and buoys at Kamo were also collected by hand. The Oki Islands are influenced by the Tsushima Current, branched from the warm Kuroshio Current in summer; however, in winter the Tsushima Current is suppressed by the cold Liman Current. So that, the sea-surface temperatures around the Oki Islands are 25℃ in summer and 7℃ in winter. This report deals with the species of serpulids only. Twenty-four species in 13 genera were recognized; all except Serpula sp. are already reported from various localities in the Japanese waters. The regional distributions of these serpulids found in the Japanese waters to the Melanesian areas are shown in Table 2. From this data, the serpulids around Dogo Island are also found from Cape Shionomisaki, the Kii Peninsula, which is always washed by the Kuroshio Current. Based on this investigation, serpulides distributed in the warm waters are found throughout around Dogo Island.
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