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The heteropterous fauna of the Izu Peninsula protruding onto the Pacific from central Honshu, Japan, has been rather poorly known up to the present. In this paper, 132 heteropterous species, including 49 previously recorded, belonging to 31 families are listed. Though the faunal research is not sufficient yet, a brief zoogeographic discussion is made on the basis of these data. These 132 species, except for two undetermined ones, are classified into the following five groups according to the difference in their distributional patterns. Group 1 in cludes 27 species, whose ranges are limited within the Oriental Region and Japan, such as Macroscytus subaeneus, Eysarcoris ventralis, Eucorysses grandis, Scotinophara lurida, Cletus punctiger, Physopelta cincticollis, Schidium marcidum, Sirthenea flavipes, Microvelia douglasi and so on. Of these, Eucorysses grandis is the only species whose habitat seems to be closely associated with laurel forests. Most of the other species, excepting predacious ones, are very common in Japan and are more or less injurious to such cultivated crops as rice, beans and citrus. They appear to have secured their superior position in the heteropterous fauna of Japan according to the expansion of acreage under cultivation by continuous human activities. Group 2 contains 52 species distributed within the southern area of the Palaearctic Region extending from China to Japan, such as Megacopta punctatissima, Megymenum gracilicorne, Gonopsis affinis, Halyomorpha mista, Poecilocoris lewisi, Anaxandra gigantea, Urostylis westwoodi, Colpura lativentris, Anacanthocoris striicornis, Plinachtus bicoloripes, Piocoris varius, Acanthaspis cincticrus, Rhinocoris ornatus, Velinus nodipes, Hydrometra albolineata, Metrocoris histrio, Notonecta triguttata, Laccotrephes japonensis, Diplonychus japonicus and so on. Though they occur in various vegetation growing on every altitude from lowlands to the beech zone, none of them seem closely connected with laurel forests. Group 3 consists of 25 species, whose distribution is bounded within the northern part of the Palaearctic Region covering Northern Europe, Siberia, Amurland, Sakhalin and Japan, e. g., Arma custos, Carbula humerigera, Lelia decempunctata, Graphosoma rubrolineatum, Acanthosoma forficula, A. denticauda, Elasmucha putoni, Homoeocerus dilatatus, Galeatus spinifrons, Gorpis brevilineatus, Phytocoris nowickyi, Apolygus hilaris, Saldula soctica, Sigara substriata and so on. Many of them, for example Lelia decempunctata, Acanthosoma spp. and Elasmucha spp., mainly inhabit beech forests. This group seems predominant in the heteropterous fauna of the cold-temperate deciduous broadleaved forests of Japan. Group 4 comprises 23 species endemic to Japan, such as Pylorgus colon, Dimorphopterus japonicus, Geocoris proteus, Metochus abbreviatus, Aradus orientalis, Acalypta miyamnotoi, A. tsurugisana, Anthocoris miyamotoi, Onomaus lautus, Speovelia maritima, Aphelocheirus vittatus and so on. Group 5 includes 3 species, Piezodorus hybneri, Liorhyssus hyalinus and Cimex lectularis, which are either cosmopolitan or widespread. Some faunal characteristics of the Izu Peninsula are pointed out mainly based upon the pentatomoid species belonging to the first three groups in comparison with those of such areas as the Tsushima Islands (MIYAMOTO, 1970), the Kii Peninsula (TOMOKUNI, 1979), Saitama Prefecture (NOZAWA, 1978) and Niigata Prefecture (HASEGAWA, 1960) (Table 1) : A. Species of Group 1,probably the Oriental elements, are not more abundant in the Izu Peninsula than in the other areas, though they are much fewer in Niigata Prefecture. B. Species of Group 2,probably the southern Palaearctic elements, show higher percentage in the Tsushima Islands and the Izu Peninsula than in Saitama and Niigata Prefectures. On the contrary, the percentage of Group 3 species, probably the northern Palaeractic elements, is lower in the Tsushima Islands and the Izu Peninsula than in Saitama and Niigata
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