- 論文の詳細を見る
The geographical variation, distribution and the biology of the four Japanese species of the genus Acalypta, sauteri, hirashimai, miyamotoi and tsurugisana, are discussed based on the materials with these data from 70 localities shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The geographical variation is observed in such morphological characters as the body size, coloration, shape of paranota and costal areas, and so on, in each species excepting hirashimai which was collected from only two localities. It is a delicate problem if some of these variations can be recognized as new taxonomic status. The author prefers to defer in drawing final conclusion of this problem until many more specimens are available from various localities. The local variation seems to have been resulted from very low dispersal activity of the Japanese Acalypta. All of them produce only brachypterous form and live in the colony of mosses almost through their life. Acalypta hirashimai is confined in Hokkaido and is the only representative of the genus there. Of the other three species, whose ranges overlap one another, sauteri is apparently predominant. The remaining two, miyamotoi and tsurugisana, are found in several places between 32°40′and 35°N. As the three species occur at every altitude from lowlands to the cold-temperate zone around 34°N, there is no conspicuous difference between them in the adaptability for temperature. Besides, their distributional ranges may not be controlled by their food habits as will be noted below. On the other hand, different species do not coexist on the same colony of mosses but is allopatric at least altitudinally, as is the case on Mt. Tsurugi and Mt. Amagi. These facts seem to suggest that their distributional pattern may have been formed through competition for their habitats. It is probable that sauteri is the most predominant species for this competition, followed by miyamotoi, and lastly by tsurugisana. This will furnish an important clue for pursuing the systematic relationship between the Acalypta species. The host plants of each species of Acalypta are listed. These tingids are not rigid in selecting host mosses, because sauteri feeds on 13 species belonging to 8 families. As almost all these mosses are common widespread species, the distribution of Acalypta seems not to be delimited by their food habits. The life history of the Japanese species of Acalypta is partially reconstructed from the collecting data of adults and nymphs shown in Fig. 3. Though the data are not sufficient except for sauteri, these lacebugs are considered to be univoltine and to hibernate in the adult stage.
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