文字の認知に関する発達的研究 : ひらがな文字の認知について
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従来,文字の認知されやすさを規定する要因に関する研究では,文字自体の形態的特性の分析に関心が払われ,文字の意味的特性からの検討は比較的少ない。本研究は,幼児・児童のひらがな文字の視覚的弁別において,文字の認知されやすさの差異および認知されやすさと文字特性-形態的特性と意味的特性-との関係を,年齢的要因を含めて検討することを目的とした。そのために,普通児320名(幼稚園児・小学校1,2年生・中学校2年生の男女各々160名)に,かな文字認知抹消検査および同頭文字語連想検査(中学校2年生を除く)を実施した。検査結果を,正認知抹消文字数と同頭文字語連想語数の2つの測度から分析検討した結果,次のことが明らかとなった。第1に,ひらがな各文字の相対的な認知のされやすさには差異が認められる。第2に,ひらがな各文字の認知されやすさは,文字自体の形態的特性の影響を受ける。単純性・直線性・非類似性の要因は認知されやすい文字に,複雑性・曲線性・類似性の要因は認知されにくい文字に見出される。第3に,ひらがな各文字の認知されやすさは,文字自体の意味的特性に影響されるものと推定される。文字の有意味性は文字認知の促進的要因となるものと考えられる。第4に,上述の結果には,年齢的要因はほとんど影響しないものと思われる。従って,これらの結果から,ひらがな各文字の認知されやすさには,早期からほぼ一貫した差異があり,文字認知の規定要因に関しては,少なくとも,文字の形態性と意味性の2要因から取り上げ,両要因の相対的優越性を考慮する必要がある,と結論できる。So far, the legibility of letters has mainly been studied from the viewpoint of their form characteristics, but the relation between their legibility and meaningfulness has little been examined. For a study of children's visual discrimination of letters, 320 children were used to investigate developmentally the following problems: the relative legibility of each Hiragana-letter, and the correlation between their legibility and characteristics (form and meaningfulness). Ss were 20 kindergarten children (10 boys and 10 girls, aged 5:0-5:11), 50 1st grade children (25 boys and 25 girls, aged 7:0-7:11) and 50 2nd grade children (25 boys and 25 girls, aged 8:0-8:11) of primary schools, and 200 2nd grade children of middle schools (100 boys and 100 girls, aged 14:0-14:11). They were judged to belong to the so-called middle class (socioeconomic level and educational-cultural background). Their I.Q. was above the average; their eyesight was normal. Each S was given Kana-Letter Cancelling Test and Word Association Test of the time-limit type. In Kana-Letter Cancelling Test, each S was presented with Hiragana-letter series and was requested to cancel the indicated Hiragana-letter as fast as possible. In Word Association Test, each S was asked to associate words having common top-letters as many as possible. The data obtained were analyzed in terms of the number of each Hiragana-letter cancelled correctly and the number of words having common top-letters associated freely for each Hiragana-letter. The results were as follows: 1) there was the relative legibility among 44 Hiragana-letters. 2) the legibility of each Hiragana-letter was influenced by the form characteristics of letters themselves. It depended upon the following factors; complexity, the degree of curve-line and similarity. The more legible letters seem to be characterized by less complexity, less curve-line and less similarity. 3) the legibility of each Hiragana-letter seems to be influenced by the meaningfulness of letters themselves, and these characteristics of meaningfulness seem to facilitate the visual discrimination of letters and letter-like figures. 4) these results were common to various age levels. In the results, it is suggested that there are consistent tendencies, which appear to be established at the early age level, among age groups. In the study of letter cognition, two factors, letter form and its meaningfulness, need to be considered in connection with their relative dominancy, to say the least of it.
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