幼児の分割図形の同定について : 単純幾何学図形の場合
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本研究では,幼児140名(年齢範囲は3歳6か月から5歳11か月;男児女児はそれぞれ70名;知能は「中」の段階以上)に対し,「分割・ずらし」を行なった,3種の形態の単純幾何学図形について,弁別同定反応を課し,図形知覚に現われた幼児の視知覚的反応とそれに影響する刺激図形の特性につき,発達的な検討を行なった。図形の各形態ごとの,大きさが一定のステップで異なる5個の相似図形群内で,個々の相似図形を,分割水準と分割方向に関する一定の原則に従い「分割しかつずらし」,弁別同定が困難な分割図形を比較刺激図形として作成した。標準刺激図形は,5段階の大きさの比較刺激図形の中位の大きさのものと同大の非分割図形とし,同時呈示法により,標準刺激図形と大きさが同じ分割図形を,5個の比較刺激図形群の中から弁別固定させた。実験結果については,弁別同定反応における,正同定率と誤同定量の2つの測度を用い,6か月単位の5年齢群につき,図形の基本形態・分割水準・分割方向の3点から分析検討を行ない,つぎのことが明らかとなった。「分割・ずらし」を行なった単純幾何学図形を,同大の非分割図形に弁別同定する幼児の視知覚的反応は,刺激図形の特性(形態・分割水準・分割方向)に影響され,そこには一定の年齢的傾向が見出された。第一は,弁別同定反応の正同定率は,刺激図形の特性に規定されつつ,一般に,年齢が高まるにつれて増加し,ほぼ4歳後半から5歳前半にかけて,chance levelを超える傾向がある。第二に,弁別同定反応の正同定率は,図形の形態に関しては正三角形→正方形→円,分割水準では水準大→水準小,分割方向では斜方→垂直・水平,の順で増加する傾向がほぼ認められる。図形の刺激特性は,弁別同定の正確度に作用し,幼児の図形視知覚は分化する傾向を見せる。第三に,弁別同定反応の誤まりに関しては,図形の形態では,分割された正方形は過大視され,同じく正三角形は過小視される傾向がある。分割水準が大きくなるにつれて過大視されやすく,分割方向については,垂直・斜方がやや過大視される傾向がある。一般に年少児は過小視を,年長児は過大視をしやすい。図形の刺激特性は,誤同定量の方向と差に影響する。図形の弁別同定が困難な刺激状況を組織的に設定・変化することにより,幼児の視知覚的反応の特性の一部が明らかになったが,さらに誤同定を改善する訓練の内容や効果についての実験的検討が必要である。視知覚の発達に関する研究は,知覚研究上の関心にとどまらず,概念形成・言語・思考などの認知機能の発達過程を明らかにする上で,基礎的な情報を提供するものであり,その教育的意義も大きい。子どもの認知機能に関する研究では,一層この領域に対し実験的接近が試みられなければならない。To investigate the characteristics of young children in their visual figure perception, 140 normal preschool children (70 boys and 70 girls, aged 3:6~5:11), whose I.Q. was on or above the average, were selected. Simple geometric figures of 3 forms (a circle, a regular square and a regular triangle) as the reference figures were used in this experiment. Each group of the comparison figures consisted of 5 similar figures of different size changed at a given step. Each figure of these 5 similar figures in each comparison group was divided and slidden according to a given principle. In simultaneous comparisons, Ss had to identify one figure among the comparison figures, which seems to see the same as the reference figure in size. The reference figure was the same in size as a medium figure for comparison, but not divided and slidden. Both the reference figure and 5 similar comparison figures were presented on the same test card, on which one was printed at the middle of its upper part and the others printed horizontally in a row at its lower part. The data obtained were analyzed in terms of the correct response ratio and the error size of incorrect response. The results were as follows: The responses of young children to divided-slidden simple geometric figures were influenced by the features of stimulus figures (the forms of figures and the levels and directions of dividing-sliding figures), and there were the developmental trends. 1) The identification of divided-slidden simple geometric figures became more accurate with increase in age and the correct response ratio got above the chance level around the age from 4:6 to 5:6. 2) It seemed that the features of stimulus figures operate on the accuracy of children's responses. That is, the correct response ratio seemed to rise in the following orders of the stimulus features: A regular triangle→a regular square→a circle; large slidden figures→small slidden figures; obliquely divided figures→vertically or horizontally divided figures. 3) The error sizes and directions of incorrect responses seemed to be influenced by the stimulus features of the divided-slidden figures. Being slidden large and divided vertically or horizontally, the figures tended to be more overestimated. And also, a regular square tended to be overestimated and a regular triangle underestimated. From this experiment, the characteristics of young children's visual figure perception has been definitely shown in part, and further experimental studies are called to investigate what roles the so-called perceptual learning plays to make it better for young children to identify simple geometric figures and others. The developmental study of young children's visual figure perception can not only contribute to the study of perception itself, but also provide useful and fundamental informations about the processes underlying the development of cognitive functions, such as concept formation, language and thinking etc. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to approach experimentally to perceptual development in the studies of young children's cognitive functions.
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- 幼児の分割図形の同定について : 単純幾何学図形の場合
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