- 論文の詳細を見る
Main results of our investigation on the difference between the pilafs prepared by frying rice and adding oil are summarized as follows: 1. Heating time was shorter for cooking rice after frying it than cooking rice without frying it, but difference was scarcely observed between the two methods regarding the weight of the rice cooked and moisture content. 2. The method of frying rice caused entry of oil in a little amount into the rice grain (cracked portion), but most of the oil adhered the surfaces of rice grains. 3. As a result of comparing the taste of the pilafs cooked by the two methods by organoleptic test, no significant difference was seen in any item of color, outer apperarance, smell, taste, hardness and palatability. Therefore, it has been clarified that, as a simplified method, the boiled pilaf prepared by adding oil and ingredients on the rice is favorable.
- 東京聖栄大学の論文
- 1989-12-20
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