律令制祭祀と神社修造 : 経済的裏付けと責任体制からの検討
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of the ancient Japanese Government in the shrines' maintenance system. According to the statutes before the nine century, the Shinto priests had to keep up their shrine. The Government commanded that the Kokushis (国司), the provincial governors, should control the priests and render the expenses. But these commands weren't always obeyed. What has caused this ? The present writer assumes as follows. These maintenances were profitless duties for the Kokushis. And the Government couldn't finance the maintenances by the lack of tax yields. In the policy toward shrines, the Government attached importance to the dedication of Heihaku (幣帛), the offering, rather than the maintenance of buildings.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1993-09-30
- 602 託宣空間としての神社本殿 : 律令期の摂津国住吉神社をめぐって(建築歴史・意匠)
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- 614 伝本木昌造旧宅の復元的研究(その1)(建築歴史・意匠)