大嘗宮正殿と住吉神社本殿の建築的類似に関する諸問題 : 古代における実体的形式の再検討
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This paper examines a popular understanding that the Seiden of Daijokyu and the Honden of Sumiyoshijinja had a common root of their styles in ancient time. We can confirm the plan of the Seiden of Daijokyu in Nara period by the report of its excavation. It's separated into two parts by a pair of columns. Some plans of important buildings of the residences and palaces at that time are similar to it. On the other hand, we aren't able to certify the plan and style of the Honden of Sumiyoshijinja by any proof before the Middle Ages. The theory that the style of a Shrine's Honden must be succeeded exactly by regular reconstructions will not apply to this case. Because there aren't evidences enough to trace the reconstraction from Nara period through Edo period. Therefore we conclude that the similarities between these two buildings should be interpreted more the general statement of design and space than the exact statement of history.
- 1990-03-30
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