設計思考における要素の導入について : 建築知識工学的観点から
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I define design process is not goods-product process but knowledge-product process. Namely architectural value is added by the accumulation of knowledges, rather than by the accumulation of mere man-power/day. What is a knowledge? First of all, the knowledge must be written in a sentence or sentences. The things in mind is not a knowledge. Those sentences must be understood by a computer system running on a certain computer language, here on Prolog. Understanding by computer means that the computer system can compute and answer by 'yes' or 'no' (or corresponding form to it), if the sentence is input by a certain form, here by logical formula. If the answer is 'no', we have to compliment the first input sentence by adding suitable sentences. Then if the computer succeeds to compute the sentence by answering 'yes', the initial input sentence become a "knowledge". If the computer system stores all of inputs in its data base for the convenience of later referring by someone, namely a user or other computer system, I say the knowledge is externalized. I discussed and descriminated three levels of knowledge, namely 'information level', 'semi-knowledge level', and 'knowledge level' (Chap. 2). 1) Information level '. This means a sentence is not articulated yet and remains as a vague whole. 2) Semi-knowledge level.' This means a sentence (or its logical formula) is articulated but has not been satisfied by a set of elements yet. 3) Knowledge level; This means a sentence (or its logical formula) is to have been satisfied by a set of elements. So it is said in designing the knowledge comes first as a semi-knowledge and becomes a knowledge or remains a semi-knowledge. This is materialised as the condition that the translated logical formula of a natural language sentence includes only variables and no individual constants. In computing the logical formula, an element or pairs of elements are given by a user (designer) or from data base to a variable as instances (or values) which satisfy it. In other words, computing is to make a semi-knowledge a knowledge by giving or generating instances. But note that computing on Prolog, it is allowable for variables to remain variables if they are included in facts on the data base. So the answer 'yes' by Prolog computer system is not necessarily to show all variables are satisfied by some instances. The explication of computing as a recursive function by Kleene is that it has two phases, one is to generate an element as existent and the other is to introduce a symbol to refer to the element, and that these two phases must have the same order. It, as a matter of course, corresponds to computing by Prolog as later shown in Fig. 5 (Chap. 3, 4). Design thinking has a certain correspondence to computing if the design theme is given in a simple or complex logical formula and is sastisfied by being given elements to all parts of logical formula which the designer in-tends to materialize. Therefore the design process can be followed by computing process through the interaction between the designer and the computer. There comes the design results as the accumulation of input data by the designer in the computer's data base. The computing process of a logical formula (5-4) which is shown diagrammatically is Fig. 5, where the bare number is the order of computing and the number with * shows the point where an element is logically introduced in computing. The arrow shows the success of correspondence in a sense, namely matching in Prolog. Fig. 5 is the computing process pattern of a particular sentence and if input sentence is changed, the programme may be changed, but 1 have developed more complex program which can compute most of logical formula, Let us correspond Fig. 5 to the design process. If we draw Fig. 6, this is completely circular and nothing happens. But if there is no programme line 5, 6, or 7, we have to give or generate the instance of a variable X in order to complete computing. We draw Fig. 7 as expressing this situation (Fig. 7 Design thinking module). This is not circular because output has some additive elements during computing, so we call it designing process '. D. Fig. 8 shows some repetitions of computing process '. D and the bulb of Fig. 8 must be interpreted to show not only additions of elements and the relation of it to existent elements but also contain eliminations of some elements and/or the relation of them to other elements (Chap. 6). There are some limitations in the above said. I begin from a logical formula to express the design theme, rather than from a natural language sentence. So I must translate a natural language sentence into a logical formula by hand and this makes us stop design thinking but the procedure will be automatically done in future foilwing results of computer linguistics. But even if this is done, there still remains a certain gap, namely the reerential opacity of using certain prepositional attitude verbs in expressing the design theme. The computer language here used: Prolog KABA is supported by graphics, so this way of thinking will be developed to Cad and integrated into design assist computer (Dac) system.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1988-05-30
- 11017 対話型イメージ文節化システムに関する基礎的研究(その2)
- 11008 対話型イメージ分節化システムに関する基礎的研究
- 5314 設計思考から見たDACシステムの性能仕様について
- 5300 一つの設計思考断片分のProlog言語分による表現 : 設計(者)(思考)支援コンピュータ(DAC)システム研究
- 設計思考における要素の導入について : 建築知識工学的観点から
- 30. CAIプログラムのユーザーフレンドリー化に関する試論 : 建築知識工学的観点から(建築計画)
- 5272 CADからDACシステムへ : 建築知識工学的観点から
- 5. 大学の設計製図教育におけるパソコンの使用例 : 建築教育におけるICAI化のために(計画B(建築計画・都市計画))
- 2. 要求相互の関係文の論理的分析 : 「プライバシイとコミュニティ」の場合(その2)(計画B)
- 要求文の述語論理的分析 : 設計思考活動の測定方法に関する基礎的研究 (その 1)
- 19. 要求文の分析 : 「コミュニティーとプライバシイ」の場合(その1)(計画B)
- 5. 設計における総合度に関する一考察(計画B(歴史意匠,建築計画,都市計画))
- 表示的実現論理式の反証について : 設計-計画対象の表示的実現に関する基礎的研究(その1) : 建築計画
- 10. 設計における計算可能性と総合性(計画B(歴史意匠・建築計画・都市計画))
- 10. 設計プロセスパターンの時間性について(計画B 建築計画・都市計画・他)
- 計画対象の(非)実現に関する予備的研究(その4 結)
- 16. 交差同定,綜合及び計画対象の実現(計画)
- 計画対象の(非)実現に関する予備的考察(その3)
- 18. 設計-計画における「綜合」について(計画系)
- 計画対象の(非)実現に関する予備的考察(その2) : 建築計画
- 5002 『F-06設計プロセスパターン』について : 設計方法の論理学的観点からの研究(建築計画)
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- 計画における意義行為と表示行為 (その 1) : 論理学的観点からの研究
- 計画対象の(非)実現に関する予備的考察 : 建築計画
- 501 論理学における証明について : 純粋計画論のための覚え書(建築計画)