130 DLCコーティング工具によるアルミ合金の切削加工(第3報) : 反応ガス変化における成膜特性の検討(OS8 工具・ツーリング)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Development of coated tool is activity performed in recent years for the purpose of extending tool life and application for cutting of high hardness and high toughness material in order to acquire a machined surface side by stabilizing the cutting edge. However, in case of cutting ductility-material, such as aluminum alloy, it is easy to occur cohesion of chips, and that causes chipping of cutting edge. These are causes of material chipping on cutting edge. Then, Application of the Diamond-like carbon (DLC) film was considered, DLC film has outstanding properties such as high hardness, chemical resistance and low friction coefficient under various conditions. Hardness and scratch tests of DLC films were carried out, and these results were appreciated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2004-11-19
- 509 ドライブラスト加工に関する研究
- 502 SMA 材料を利用したツーリングの開発
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- マイクロブラスト工法