スラットの熱特性が異なる回転ブラインドを用いた日射制御窓の開発 : その2. 日射制御窓の性能測定と省エネルギー効果
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With the use of a seasonal change in the solar altitude, a solar control window was proposed, which can change both solar, visible ray transmittance and solar heat gain factor according to the control purposes, by using the rotating blind with the various shaped and different thermal characteristic slats. The window can decrease solar heat gain, while increasing the use of daylight. The previous paper described the principle of the solar control window and its solar control performance estimated by simulations. This paper describes the performance estimated by experiments and the simulation results of energy saving with the use of a typical building model, in which the windows are installed.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2002-06-20
石田 光
石川 幸雄
石田 光
旭硝子(株) 硝子・建材事業本部
樋口 作夫
旭硝子(株) 硝子・建材事業本部
石川 幸雄
斉藤 栄亮
旭硝子(株) 硝子・建材事業本部
斉藤 栄亮
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