合意課題の実践によるコミュニケーション能力の育成に関する検討 : 看護学生への実践事例を通じて
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The main purpose of this study is to examine whether the practice of the consensus task to the student nurse contributes to the education of communications ability. Inaddition, a multipronged use of the consensus task is discussed. Objects are 193 students (179 women and 14 men)of the medical junior college. A method decides ranking about the ranking given to it by an individual first. They speak to each other based on each person's decision in the sub-group (from three people, six people) after that. Ranking is decided in the result group of the talk. Contents are "a shipwreck in the surface of the moon" (It is decided what to give priority to and it is taken to presume that it met with a disaster in the surface of the moon and to reach it at last to the mother ship of 200km ahead.) and "the passenger of Titanic" (The order of priority is decided about the rescue of the passenger of Titanic which sank.). As a result, The next could be read from the freedom description of the student who participated. (1)There was a difficult side in the consensus task, too. But. a pleasure could know others' various thought, and had view extended. (2)A remark about the self-penetration and others understanding was seen. (3)One end of consciousness of the student nurse such as "Have strong consideration to the family", "The thought which it gives priority to a weak person spcially over" and "Antipathy for the egocentric speech and action" could be seen. It is the above.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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