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Little information is available on fluid and salivary protein secretion by the submandibular glands (SMG) during the important periods of young rats. This study was designed to examine the optimal doses of various secretogogues and to compare with the secretory function among different kinds of agonists and also with proteins between the SMG extracts and saliva, and whether the particular behavior for protein secretion by the SMG was present at the special periods of developing rats by using colorimetric methods, isoelectric focusing electrophoresis (IEF), two dimensional electrophoresis and amino acid analysis. The results obtained were as follows : 1,25-day-old rats 1) From the results of the volumes of saliva secreted by the SMG in response to various agonists, injected i. p., except for eledoisin (i. v.), the optimum doses of various agonists were decided in response to tyramine, octopamine, isoproterenol, norephedrine, 6-, 5-hydroxydopamine, methacholine, carbachol, bethanechol, substance P, substance P-Tyr^8 and eledoisin-related peptide at doses of 40,40,8,20,30,30,5,0.075,1,1,1 and 3mg/kg, respectively. 2) The salivary volumes and flow rates in response to various agonists were more copious in order as follows : cholinergic, peptidergic, α_1-, β-and α_2-adrenergic agonists. 3) The protein concentrations of salivas and the amounts of protein secreted by the SMG in response to β-and α_1-adrenergic agonists were significantly higher than those in response to other three kinds of agonists. 4) The protease activity of salivas in response to α_1- and α_2-adrenergic agonists was significantly higher than that in response to other three kinds of agonists. 5) The types of protein secreted by the SMG in response to different agonists at various doses were closely similar to those for adult rats. 6) Some proteins of submandibular saliva elicited by pilocarpine showed different mobilities from those of the SMG extracts with IEF. 2. 35-day-old rats 1) The secretory function of the SMG of 35-day-old male and female rats was similar to that of 25-day-old rats. 2) In saliva secreted by the SMG of male and female rats, there were some proteins not detected in the extracts of the SMG. Isoelectric point (pI) and molecular weight (M. W.) of a prominent protein detected only in pilocarpine stimulated saliva was 3.8 and 50 kDa, respectively. 3) A protein of 50 kDa was rich in acidic amino acids. These results indicate that the secretory function of the SMG at the special periods of developing rats is completed prior to the histogical maturation, and the SMG of 25-and 35-day-old rats secretes some proteins not detected in the extracts of the SMG. The protein with pI 3. 8 and M. W. 50 kDa mobilized electrophoretically to the alkaline side with age.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1994-06-30
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