ホテイアオイの生態学的研究 : 第2報 越冬に関する微細気象学的調査
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Though most water hyacinth plants can not survive the winter months even in the southern parts of Okayama Prefecture, a few plants do live through the winter under certain micrometeorological situation, and act as resources of proliferation in the spring. To examine the influence of low temperature on overwintering, water hyacinths were grown in 1/2, 000 a Wagner pots and were placed under various air and water temperature conditions in the out-doors, a glasshouse and a growth chamber during the winter. Browning in leaves was observed at air temperatures below 0℃, and the plants which had been allowed to experience slight damage due to the cold became somewhat resistant to the low temperature. The degree of cold damage was significantly correlated with the hourly accumulated temperature below O 'C in each of the locations where the plants were placed. Measuring temperatures at 5cm above the water surface and using the hourly accumulations of those below 0℃, browning and complete kill of leaf blade appeared at 0.1 to 10 and 125 to 499℃-hour, respectively. These variations were assumed to depend on the difference in water temperature as well as in the cold hardening of the plants, because at higher water temperature, air temperature immediately above the water surface was higher than at 5cm above it. The petioles were slightly resistant to low temperature, and complete kill was attained at 574 to 1,210℃. hour.The main reason for this difference between leaf blades and petioles may be the fact that petioles are generally located nearer to the water surface. There is no great difference of air temperature within a small region, but water temperatures change with location. The temperature of the water influences air temperature several cm above the water surface, so the overwintering of water hyacinth may be seen at a pond or creek having a higher water temperature in southeastern Japan.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1981-09-10
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