- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper offers a demographic treatment of density data acquired between 1977 and 1978 for Rumex obtusifolius L. in grazed grasslands near Sendai city, northeastern Japan. The population density rapidly increased in late spring and summer, and decreased appreciably in autumn (Fig. 1), but the fluctuations in population density were small in comparison with the large number of individuals lost and gained. There was no positive relationship between recruitment and mortality during the study period (Fig. 2). Recruitment was generally high on bare soil areas and at high temperatures during late spring and summer, while the peak in mortality occurred when the pasture was in its most passive growth after summer. There was a different pattern of mortality among the cohorts of individuals established at different times of year (Fig. 4). They had different mortality risks (Fig. 3), and the number of surviving individuals over the period of observation was relatively high in cohorts of earlier emerging individuals when compared with the number of those emerging later (Figs. 5 and 6). Differences in the patterns of mortality depending on age of individuals, time of establishment, presence of associated species, and trampling with grazing behavior were discussed.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1991-09-02
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- 水稲の1穂内粒重変異と籾・玄米形態形質との関係(II 論文編)
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- シロアズキ在来品種間における主茎の生育特性と開花・結実の推移
- 3 シロアズキ在来品種の生育特性と地域性 : 第2報 栄養・生殖生長の併進性と熟期の斉一性
- 35 シロアズキ在来品種の生育特性と地域性 : I. 早晩性と結実過程の差異
- 45 牧草実験個体群の種間関係に及ぼす近紫外光の影響
- 第67回 日本農業教育学会講演会・シンポジウム報告
- 教員養成課程の農業学習における環境教育の素材について : 在来品種を学ぶ意義
- アズキ在来品種の個体内結実過程の系統間変異
- ダイズの水分状態に対するフィルム形成型蒸散抑制剤の影響
- 36 シロアズキ在来品種の生育特性と地域性 : 第3報 熟期の斉一性と節位別の結莢・稔実状況
- 草地雑草エゾノギシギシの種子の形態的特徴と発芽特性
- 草地雑草エゾノギシギシの生育地の特徴と発芽特性
- 3 蒸散抑制剤"グリンナー"の水ストレス軽減効果について(九州支部講演会要旨)
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