Propagation Characteristics in a Transversely Magnetized 70 GHz Waveguide Containing a p-InSb Stab Carrying an Applied Current
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It has been experimentally observed that the 70 GHz millimeter-wave propagation characteristics in a transversely magnetized waveguide loaded with a p-type InSb slab are markedly varied by applying a current considerably smaller than that used in the previous studies employing n-InSb. It is suggested that the shift of the slow-surface-wave resonant magnetic field in this waveguide is responsible for the observed variation.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1995-05-15
Obunai T
Akita Univ. Akita Jpn
Obunai Tetsuo
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Mining Akita University
Obunai Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering And Research Science Akit
Ishizuka Takehiko
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Mining Akita University:(present Addr
Ishizuka Takehiko
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Mining Akita University:(present Addr
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